
A gift of grace

Baptism is a gift of God’s grace and therefore at Good Shepherd Baptism is for the youngest to the oldest and all those in between. Baptism is a gift of God’s grace lived out in the community of faith and is a sign and promise of God’s presence in our midst.  Baptism apart from the community of faith is inconsistent with the promises inherent in Baptism which connects it to a worshiping community.  Baptism is not only for the individual but for the whole community of faith therefore the first responsibility expected of the baptized or of the parents bringing the baptized is “will you live among God’s faithful people”, will commit to being a part of this worshiping community of faith. Baptism is a sacred act between the baptized, or the parents bringing the baptized, God and the community of faith.

Occasions for Baptism

Baptisms are celebrated on Sunday mornings (8:30 and 10:30a.m./ 8:30 and 10:00am. in the summer)  as the occasion arises. Parents of newborns are encouraged to contact the pastor to discuss the gift of baptism and plan the day. Come and let the Good Shepherd community of faith welcome you into the body of Christ through this gift of baptism.

To inquire about scheduling a baptism please contact the church office.

The Good Shepherd Baptismal Font

The baptismal font at Good Shepherd is located near the front of the Sanctuary, right next to the organ. Beautiful stained glass artwork surrounds the baptismal font.

©2025 Good Shepherd Evangelical Lutheran Church
4141 Mormon Coulee Road | La Crosse, Wisconsin 54601

608.788.0450 |

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