Rotation Sunday School
What Is Sunday School Like?
Good Shepherd Sunday School runs in conjunction with each church service from September through May. Families attend the service together, following the children’s message the children leave the sanctuary for Sunday School where they in a more child friendly way learn the stories of faith from a wonderful group of teachers.
Each week, children will sing, and have a large group session and then break into different rotational rooms to explore and experience the stories of our faith. We incorporate 6 Rotation Rooms: Saul the Tentmaker Bible Fun, Luke’s Science Room, Ichtus Art, Good Shepherd Church Mouse (Computer Lab), Loaves & Fishes Kitchen and Bethlehem Cinema.
3 and 4 year old Pre-Schoolers will learn at a special pace designed to introduce them to the Bible, Bible Stories and the Sunday School Experience.
COVID-19 Update
All Sunday School is on Facebook live.